From: <. Program Chair .> Date: 2017-02-04 4:13 GMT-03:00 Subject: IJCNN 2017 Paper #xxx Information To: <. list of author email addresses .> Dear Author(s), On behalf of the IJCNN 2017 Technical Program Committee and Technical Chairs, we regret to inform you that we are unable to include your paper: Paper ID: <. paper# .> Author(s): <. list of authors of the paper .> Title: <. paper title .> in the IJCNN 2017 program. This decision is based on the reviews attached at the end of this message and we hope they will help you improve your submission for another venue. We have received a large number of high-quality papers and we are not able to include all of them. It is our hope that you will still be able to attend IJCNN 2017. Registration is available via: If you have any questions regarding the reviews of your paper or all other questions, please contact <. Program Chair name & email address .>. Thank you. Sincerely, <. Program Chair .> IJCNN 2017 Program Chair REVIEWERS' COMMENTS ---------------------------------------------- REVIEW NO. 1 comments removed ... ---------------------------------------------- REVIEW NO. 2 comments removed ... ---------------------------------------------- REVIEW NO. 3 comments removed ... ---------------------------------------------- PC MEMBER'S COMMENTS IEEE crosscheck reported 61% overlap with existing publications. As a matter of policy, IJCNN cannot accept a paper with such a high overlap. Please contact the publication chair Bill Howell ( for detailed crosscheck results.